Flight Levels Change Leadership

Create the environment in your company for sustainable improvements with Flight Levels

Sticker Flight Levels Change Leadership

To get your business flying successfully, you need more than technically sound visualization, a clear focus, and good feedback loops. You also need people who actively shape the desired improvement. And you need the ability to co-create an agile change flow. 

Enhance your ability to successfully execute Flight Level initiatives at all levels (2/3/FLSA).


Target Audience

  • Change leaders for Flight Levels
  • Agile coaches
  • Organizational developers

Target Context

  • Design major improvement initiatives on all Flight Levels


Sticker: Flight Levels Introduction

The Content at a glance

  • Business agility and agile change: what you need to consider to successfully differentiate your organization
  • Flight Levels Change Flow: How you can make the introduction of Flight Levels agile and improve step by step 
  • Building blocks: What interactions have proven effective in preparing for and operating Flight Levels – from initial clarification discussions to interactive introductory workshops and sounding boards to targeted improvement workshops. 
  • Engagement: How to get and keep 30, 50, 100, or even more people moving in a targeted way
  • Challenges: How to ensure strong sponsorship, effective implementation of each improvement step, and appropriate engagement with your key stakeholders


This workshop is certified by the Flight Levels Academy. After completing the workshop, participants will receive a “Certificate of Completion” directly from Flight Levels Academy.

What is important to us

System thinking instead
of local optimization

We don’t need high-performance teams, but systems that make better performance possible.

Sense instead
of Dogma

Find the best solution for your organization – not the best framework blueprint.

Outcome instead
of output

More of anything doesn’t work anymore. It is important to deliver what achieves the best results for customers and business.

Agile interactions instead
of agile islands

The right thing happens when the right team is working on the right thing at the right time.

3 for 2 offer

For almost all trainings LEANability offers a 3 for 2 package. This means if 3 people from the same company register together in the same training, only 2 pay. Or in other words, there is a 33% discount for 3 participants on one invoice.

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