Custom Components

Find all (currently) available LEANability Custom Components. These components are build on top of the WordPress Gutenberg Editor. They are special for LEANability. If you need more Components – which makes your live easier – just let me know.


Cards are simple Wrapper-Components to structure your content on a page. In generell you can use every element inside a card. But: make sure you apply distances between the elements. Use the css-classes for “margin-bottom”. It is recommended to use mb-10 for inner blocks.

Media and Content

This is the Block “Media and Content” placed inside of a card. As you can see, the block appears as card. It uses simply a headline, a paragraph and one image.

See some examples below.

My awesome Card-Style

Feel free!
Try something

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Action Cards

ActionCards” is a type of the “DefaultCard”. These card is predefined with a template. It uses always:

– 1. Headline
– 1. Text/Description
– 1. Call-to-action Button

The amazing action card

This is the Content/Description of the amazing ActionCard.
You can find these component in the Block-Editor in “Generell Blocks”.

Card in a box

This card is in a box. Clean and consistent for all viewports and screen-sizes. The ActionCard supports also lazy-loading of images.

Another card in a box

The text of this card is shorter, but they are still at the same height.

To create the effect of equal height cards, simply add the css-class “h-full” to each card. The will expand to the longest card, and the Call-to-Action Button is always placed on the bottom of the card.

Speaking List

This component is very special. It shows a list of items in the style of a “Star Wars” Trailer. The SpeakingList was build for the Speaking-Page to present a list of recent events, but it can also be used independently for other use-cases. Find the “SpeakingList” Component is also in “Generell Blocks”

Interessante Fakten

  • 2020 Corona Special
  • 2019 Flight Levels rock the World
  • 2018 Flight Levels was born
  • 2017 Star Wars – die letzten Jedi
  • 2016 Maik came in
  • 2015 Das Erwachen der Macht
  • 2014 The agile world congress
  • 2013 We have a pope
  • 2012 Deutscher Meister Borussia Dortmund
  • 2011 Deutscher Meister Borussia Dortmund
  • 2010 30 über Nacht
  • 2009 “Poker Face” Österreichs Nummer 1
  • 2008 Was war eigentlich mit Star Wars
  • 2006 Star Wars?
  • 2005 Die Rache der Sith
  • 2002 Deutscher Meister Borussia Dortmund
  • 2002 Angriff der Clonekrieger
